Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

I’ll watch a vile villain if
he comes with a good cop/
bad cop movie like that — or
dialogue like this:
Adam: “I had an interesting
conversation with Victoria.”
Phyllis: “That must have been
■ B&B’s recast Thomas is
also hateful, but unlike Y&R’s
adrift Rosales family, Thomas
has a rich backstory — they’re
just not using it. He dallied
with Brooke, Hope and Sally
— and slept with Caroline
when she was involved with
his father, Ridge — but now
he’s a complete psycho who
only ever loved Hope (?) and
is willing to terrorize his own
son to get her to marry him.
Steffy: “Have you set a date?”
Hope: “Tomorrow.”
Liam: “What happened?”
Hope: “Douglas had a really
bad nightmare.”
Yes, marry a guy you
can’t stand because his son
saw a ghost (manufactured on
Thomas’s phone to scare the
poor kid) and invite the same
eight people who were at your
last two weddings to Liam.
“Marriage is a lifetime com-

why they’d resurrect such a
pivotal character just to make
her a mental patient. Kristen/
Susan/“Nicole” needs the
same dialogue attention
Victor gets — or Will, after
Sonny caught him rooting
through “Susan’s” handbag:
Sonny: “Didn’t your mom
ever tell you not to go through
a woman’s purse?”
Will: “My mom is Sami
Brady, so what do you
■ I think it’s smart of GH to
make the recast Nina more
likable. There are still waaay
too many new people on
that show (Shiloh, Harmony,
Sasha, Willow, Chase, Peter)
but at least they’re playing
most recent newbies Hayden
and Dev with Jax and Sonny.
And the creepy cult story is
over so Sam and Kristina are
back to their regular lives.
Julian (to Kristina): “Have I
mentioned how happy I am
to have you back at work?
Maybe you should do some.”
Ah, humor. That helps,
too. What’s funnier than
Robert, Mac and Jason team-
ing up to bring Shiloh down?
Robert (to Harmony): “This
all sounds very convincing,
but it’s your word against
Jason: “How about a pre-
scription to carfentanil?”
How about GH spins
them off into a buddy movie?
I’d put up with newbie Shiloh
forever if I could have DA
Scorpio and Mobster Morgan
starring in Men In Black: The
Soap Years.
■ Hey. It’s only my^

mitment,” counseled Brooke,
who’s been married 14 times.
Thomas (re: sex): “When the
time comes — and it will —
it will be incredible.”
He already canoodled
with Hope in Cabo! Yes, it
was two different actors, but
if we’re supposed to invest
in this creepfest, B&B has to
write it like it’s the same.
Liam: “It just feels so forced.”
■ Which brings us to
DAYS’s Kristen. It’s hard
enough to adjust to a recast
without her donning a “face
mask” to impersonate a
fellow presumed-dead char-
acter (Nicole). “I did not
come back from the dead
to give up without a fight,”
she hissed at Stefan. No, she
came back to deliver insane
Kristen (screaming and
trashing the room): “I am so
sick and tired of all these los-
ers — Stefan and Gabi and
Ted and Kate and Xander.
Every one of them is slowing
me down, standing between
me and what I deserve!”
A straitjacket? I don’t get

Woebegone Bride: The look on Hope’s (Annika
Noelle) face spoke volumes about her marriage
to Thomas (Matthew Atkinson, l.), which was offi-
ciated by Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) on B&B.




















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