Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

host of story possibilities as Kristen
(as Nicole) is trying to worm her
way back into Brady’s life, and Eric
is trying to cope with “Nicole’s”
rejection, which has also compli-
cated his feelings for Sarah.
Maggie’s fall off the wagon
came as a surprise, but a welcome
one that puts the talents of Emmy-
winner Suzanne Rogers back on
display. There was only so much
tea Maggie could drink and advice
she could dole out before some-
thing meatier came her way, and
Rogers is making the most of it.
Our Applause, Applause section
is filled with examples of DAYS
incorporating its history into current
dialogue. Rex recently told Sarah
about the Roman/Andre face-off;
Kate recalled losing Billie and
Austin to Abigail; Eve came roar-
ing back into town by reminding
everyone of Jennifer’s pill addic-
tion and the fact that Eric was
responsible for Daniel’s death;
and the pot-laced doughnuts
incident of 2013 was mentioned
during the Julie-centric episode.

■The show cap-
tured lightning in
a bottle with the
unlikely pairing of
Ben and Ciara, but hasn’t sold it
as a traditional love story, which
serves it well. While Ciara may
be okay with dating a man who
murdered three people, most of
Salem isn’t, and having characters
frequently mention his sketchy
past adds a much-needed realism.

istry between Robert Scott Wilson
and Victoria Konefal is undeniable,
and you can’t help but root for this
pair to make it.
In order to make a presumed-
dead Nicole’s return to town
spicier, Carlivati and Co. pulled
from its history (with Roman and
Andre in 1984) by having Kristen
impersonate Nicole by wearing a
mask and wig. The twist opens up a

Off The Wagon:
Maggie’s battle
with the bottle
gave Suzanne
Rogers a

Carrie for Caroline’s memorial provided
a proper tribute to the Brady matriarch.
Plus, the soap gets bonus points for add-
ing the surprise twist of Carrie and Rafe
giving in to their once-forbidden passion
(unfortunately at the expense, once again,
of Carrie and Austin).
















Live In “Cin”: Ciara (Victoria
Konefal) and Ben’s (Robert
Scott Wilson) romance has
struck a chord with viewers.
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