Soap Opera Digest – August 12, 2019

(lily) #1

What was your most memorable
celebrity encounter at CBS?
“After I won a Daytime Emmy, I
was lucky enough to be a guest on
THE TALK, along with some other
Y&R cast members. Getting to
see, let alone meet the cast of THE
TALK was really cool!”
What was your klutziest moment
on the set? “Oh, God, it’s hard to
pick just one klutzy moment. I’m
always tripping over stuff! But one
of the worst ones was coming down
from the hair and makeup room and
I tripped down the stairs. Luckily, I
caught myself but I think I fell down
about eight stairs. I looked around to
see if anyone had witnessed the epic
fail [laughs]!”
Which is your favorite set?
“Society! Not only is it so beauti-
ful — the set decorators did such a
wonderful job! — but usually when
I get to work there it means at least

four other actors are there at the same
time. I love getting to work with every-
one, so group days are fun.”
What do you usually do during the
lunch break? “It’s kind of an unspo-
ken thing that Melissa [Ordway, Abby]
and I always go to lunch together
if we’re both working that day. Just
yesterday Melissa, Camryn [Grimes,
Mariah] and I went to lunch along with
Andreea, our set wardrobe girl! I love
having that time to hang out with my
friends off set.”
Ever have a wardrobe malfunction?
“Just yesterday we had some pretty
fun scenes we filmed that I can’t wait
for everyone to see! But I looked down
and realized I had ripped the armpit of
my outfit! The seam came completely
undone. Luckily, Andreea saw it and
grabbed me quickly to change into a
double of that outfit.”


L^ J





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