PROJECT // stars and fl owers
b. Place card along bottom right
diagonal line and fold paper pattern
back over it, illust. 3b.
c. Place Add a Quarter ruler up against
card and trim excess fabric leaving ¼"
seam allowance, illust. 3c.
8a. Turn square over and place one,
3¼" medium floral triangle right sides
together with cream rectangle aligning
edges, illust. 3d.
b. With pattern uppermost, stitch along
diagonal line, starting and ending seam
a few stitches beyond each end of line,
illust. 3e.
a. Place pattern on top of rectangle b. Fold pattern back over card c. Trim excess fabric
d. Position medium fl oral triangle e. Stitch along line
a. Pin units together
f. Position second cream rectangle
b. Stitch along edge of paper pattern
c. Open out and press triangle back.
d. Repeat with a second 3¼" medium floral
triangle on opposite side of Flying Geese
9a. Place card along horizontal middle line
on pattern, fold back pattern as before
and trim excess fabric to leave ¼" seam
b. Place one, 2¾" x 4¾" cream rectangle
right sides together along trimmed edge,
illust. 3f.
c. Turn pattern over so it is uppermost and
stitch along middle horizontal line.
d. Open out and press cream rectangle back.
illust. 3. Pattern C
illust. 4. Complete Flying Geese unit illust. 5. Joining units
illust. 6. Pinning centre unit