The Teenager Today – August 2019

(Barré) #1


You had been a student of the New
Horizons Scholars School, for six
years, now. Do you think that the
School played an important role in
your achievement?

Definitely! Our school has always
taught us students that good
education plays a crucial role in
building a bright future for us.
Moreover, the school has provided
us with a healthy competitive
atmosphere to shine in every
sphere of activity: be it academics,
sports or any other extra-curricular
activities, giving all the students
equal opportunities to realize
their true potential, and to excel in
everything, especially in our studies,

Board Exam. However, my mother
who is my real inspiration and
constant motivator was especially
happy and excited when I broke the
news to her. In fact, she had set the
target of 99% for me, and this has
motivated me beyond measure, to
achieve the present score.

To whom would you dedicate this
Most evidently to my mother, as
without her standing by me I would
not have been able to achieve it!

How about giving a few tips to our
readers preparing for their Board
Exams next year?
Keep a target for you right at the
beginning of the new academic year:
i.e., right now. Keep reminding
yourself, every day, of the target
you have set for you. Studying
and becoming a topper is your
first priority, now. Everything else
should take a back seat, at least for
the moment. Work hard, believing in
yourself that it is within your reach. I
did not go for tuitions for any subject
as I believed I can do it myself.

What was the last book that you
read before you started preparing
yourself for the Board Exam?
I did not read any particular book
during the months, immediately
preceding the Board Exam. But I
always loved reading books (“He is
not a bookworm, either!” adds his
teacher standing by), as it is one of
the best hobbies I can think of. I will
now catch up with my reading, soon.

Are you going to continue studies
from New Horizons Scholars
No, I am not. But in the heart of
hearts I will always remain part
of New Horizons Scholars, as the
School, my principal and teachers
have given me so much that I can
never repay. All the more so because
I belong to the first batch of students
passing out of the school. I will
always hold the banner of New
Horizons, Thane, very high!

while imbibing good values in us for
life. The management, the Principal
and all the teachers leave no stone
unturned in working towards this
direction. This has highly motivated
me to excel in my studies and to
obtain the highest possible marks in
the Board Exam.

How did your family respond to the
news of your achievement? I guess
they too played a major role in your
journey to the victory stand.
I am the only son of my parents.
My father works abroad, and most of
the time, he is away from here. Both
of them were extremely happy to
receive the news of my topping the

Adree Das

New Horizons Scholars School,

Thane, student tops CBSE 2019

Adree Das, a student of New Horizons Scholars School, Thane, scored 497 marks
out of 500 claiming for himself the top position in Maharashtra in the CBSE 2019
Examinations held in March, this year. He shares the top position with two other
girl students — Datree Mehta from Reliance Foundation School, Koperkhairne,
and Deepsna Pande from Apeejay School, Nerul.

New Horizons Scholars School, being one of the regular subscribers to THE
TEENAGER TODAy, we visited the School and met Adree, congratulating him on
behalf of our readers, on his achievement. Adree has been a student of the
School from grade 5, and his Principal and teachers say that he had shown
signs of being an exceptionally talented student from his very early years, and
always had the “earnest desire to do better than the best.” Excerpts from the
interview we had with the topper:

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