Visual Merchandising and Retail Design – July 2019

(John Hannent) #1

to an extremely strong connect with our
customers, leading to creation of a brand
on the back of experience and not pure-
play marketing.

Since you leverage technology so much,
can you elaborate on how technology
has enabled you to scale up your venture
and connect with the customer better?

Being majorly online has given us an
edge to use technology extensively for
our customer choices. We are based on an
amalgamation of fashion and technology.
We have built a proprietary technology
engine known as ReX (or ReqS, i.e. short for
Requirement Simulator). We have patent-
pending algorithms that help us gauge the
customer purchase pattern through our
sales channels and track their feedbacks
fast. It helps us know which product,
design and color are being purchased more
and also more importantly, which products
have a high satisfaction score. This helps us
provide better products and also plan our
inventory accordingly. And like I said, we
also use smart technology and big data
analytics for smart management of our
inventory, ensuring we have the industry

‘Innovation is the only word relevant

t o d ay ’

In a tête-à-tête with VM&RD, Pankaj Vermani, Founder and CEO, Clovia, shares how the brand is making a dent in
the $ 4 bn lingerie market through a strong focus on technology enabled retail strategies.

What’s your assessment of the lingerie
market in India? What’s the growth rate?

The current $ 4 bn market (which is
expected to be $8 bn by 2020) is still
so nascent that the top 10 brands put
together are not even addressing 8% of the
overall market. It’s a market with enormous
potential, waiting to be tapped. While the
overall apparel is growing at 8-9% CAGR,
lingerie is pegged to grow anywhere
between 15-22% annually.

So what’s Clovia’s retail strategy to beat
the clutter in an overcrowded market?

Clovia uses smart technology and big
data analytics for smart management
of inventory ensuring that they have a
highly consumer-relevant range all times
with high sell-through rates resulting in
industry best inventory holding.

Clovia has set up a unique distribution
system (both online and offline) which is
based on direct interaction with customers,
getting their direct feedback and using the
same in planning the next product range.
Big data played a big role here and this led

best inventory holding, one of the most
critical parameters for scaling an apparel
business. The term fast fashion is a fact
now. With the speed with which trends
are changing, one needs to leverage
technology to the fullest. It’s a brave new
fashion world and the brands that are the
fastest in listening to the end customer
and acting on it have the best chance
of winning. Innovation is the only word
relevant in today’s ecosystem.

Shopping for lingerie online could be
tricky. How do you make it easier for
customers to purchase the right style
and size?

Women have traditionally discussed
lingerie in hushed tones. We ask - why
shouldn’t women talk about it in a much
more open and confident manner?
What is so embarrassing talking about
innerwear? Rome wasn’t built in a day -
some things don’t change overnight. But
we have consistently tried to use all our
platforms to break the stigma. The lack
of knowledge about various sizes and fits
makes it difficult for a client to choose the
perfect size and design. Clovia has come

Pankaj Vermani
Founder & CEO, Clovia

July 2019
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