Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1
July 2019 MD 97

Routine 1

Cable Pushdown Tri-set
Sets: 3 x 12 + 12 + 12
Att ach a short straight bar to
the cable pulley. Do 12 reps with an
underhand grip, fl ip your hands over
for 12 more, then face away from the
weight stack and do a fi nal 12 reps
leaning over and extending overhead.

Close-grip Smith Incline Presses
4 x 10-12
Superset with
Seated Dip Machine 4 x 10-12
(Pyramid up in weight.)

Machine Curl 21s 3 x 21
(7 reps from the bott om to halfway
up, 7 full reps, then 7 reps from halfway
up to peak contraction.)

Standing Barbell Curls 4 x 10-12
Superset with

Close-grip Chin-ups* 4 x 10-12
*Use an underhand grip. Hands
completely together is optimal if you
can do so without wrist pain, otherwise
a couple of inches inside of shoulder
width. If you lack the strength for
chin-ups, substitute with close-grip lat
pulldowns using an underhand grip.

Decline Dumbbell Skull-crushers
3 x 10-12
Superset with

Cross-body Dumbbell Hammer Curls
3 x 10-12
Curl up at a diagonal toward the
shoulder opposite the working arm,
striving to squeeze the brachialis and
outer (long) biceps head at the top of
every rep.
Alternate fl exing and stretching the
biceps and triceps for two minutes.

You’re going to be

pulverizing your arms

without mercy twice

every eight days, after

a full day of rest when

you should strive to get

plenty of actual rest

and eat up.

If your arms haven’t grown in a while, maybe a very long while, it’s safe to assume
that they are totally accustomed to whatever you’ve been doing for them. I’ve
concocted two routines to shock your biceps and triceps and have them struggling so
hard to keep up that they will have no choice but to adapt and grow. You will alternate
them for as long as you choose to follow this routine. Be prepared for some serious
lactic acid burn and some insane pumps. Note that warm-ups are not shown. Be sure
to do at least two warm-up sets for each new exercise listed. Also, gradually increase
the weight set by set, aka pyramid up. You will be keeping the same rep range,
meaning the diffi culty level will increase as the sets go on, and only the fi nal set is
taken to absolute failure. Why? To quote the wise eight-time Mr. Olympia, Lee Haney,
our goal here is to “stimulate, not annihilate!”


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