Muscular Development – July 2019

(sharon) #1


4 Tips for

Rapid Arm Growth

  1. Never Lose the MiNd-MuscLe coNNectioN
    I encourage everyone to try and get stronger and gradually use heavier
    weights in their arms training. However, this increase in resistance must
    only occur if you are still able to contract the biceps or triceps on every rep
    and feel that muscle group working. For instance, there is always a point
    you pass on compound movements for triceps such as close-grip bench
    presses or various seated dip machines where you lose that connection to
    the triceps after a certain amount of weight is added. At that point, you’re
    engaging far more chest and anterior deltoids than you are triceps. The
    same can be said of any type of curl. Even though your form might not look
    too bad to the outside observer, you will cease to feel the biceps working to
    the same degree once you go too heavy. Only you will know when you’ve
    crossed that line, and the solution is to lighten the load a bit and get back
    to feeling the biceps or triceps flex and stretch on every rep.

  2. KNow wheN to stop the worKout
    Even though there are workouts listed here for you to follow, you need
    to develop an awareness for when your biceps or triceps have been fully
    expended, and no further work for them that day is either needed or should
    be done. Usually you can gauge this by your pump. There should come a
    point in the workout where your pump is maxed out and the skin feels tight.
    You can continue to chase that pump with more exercises and sets until
    you’ve completed the full routine that you are following or that you had in
    mind yourself. If you start losing that pump or worse, losing the ability to
    even feel the muscle working, you’re done for the day. Nothing more you
    do will yield any positive result, and it may even make deeper inroads into
    your recovery ability than you will be able to bounce back from before your
    next arm session.

  3. eat for GaiNs
    “Duh, I knew that.” I’m sure you did, but I want you to apply it
    specifically to your arm training while you follow this program. The two
    meals of your day with the highest carbohydrate content should be the one
    you eat about 90 minutes before your arm workout, and the one you eat
    60-90 minutes afterward. As soon as the workout is over, you need to have
    either essential amino acids (EAAs) or whey protein isolate along with a
    generous amount of simple carbs. Those carbs can come in the form of a
    high-tech modern creation such as cyclic dextrin, or you could have a cup
    of fresh pineapple slices or chunks, or even some candy like jelly beans.
    If you’re going to have a cheat meal, try to have it the night before you
    train arms. The whole point is to provide the biceps and triceps with all the
    nutrients they need to fuel a killer workout, and then fully replenish all the
    spent amino acid and glycogen stores to support recovery and repair.

  4. custoMize Your arM traiNiNG
    One major problem with following prescribed workouts is that we
    aren’t all built the same. We all have different limb lengths, muscle belly
    insertions, leverages, and so on. Some exercises will be more suitable than
    others, and you will be able to figure that out if you pay attention when
    you perform them. Can you really feel that exercise working your muscle?
    It often takes a few tries to make a valid decision, but eventually you will
    recognize some exercises really thrash your biceps and triceps, delivering
    sick pumps and making them sore, while others don’t seem to do much at
    all. Keep the ones that work well for you and discard the others. Continue
    trying new movements and new twists on exercises you’ve been doing
    for years, because you never know what else is out there that might work
    well for you. By the same token, don’t waste precious training time and
    energy doing exercises that aren’t doing shit for you— assuming you have
    given them a real chance and tweaked the form to see if this or that minor
    adjustment might make it work for you.

July 2019 MD 99
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