Los Angeles Times - 07.08.2019

(Ron) #1



DURANGO, Colo. —
Cres Fleming got the call
shortly after his neighbor
spotted smoke.
He jumped into a pickup
that had been converted
into a water tanker and
plowed through waist-high
weeds to the railroad tracks.
“It took two minutes and
24 seconds,” he said. “I timed
When he reached the
scene, flames were rushing
up the hillside.
Fleming is a 74-year-old
retired chemist, not a fire-
man. But he’s been dousing
spot fires near his house for
nearly two decades. This one
was different.
His water hose was too
short, the winds too high.
The June 1, 2018, fire went
on to torch 54,000 acres,
making it the sixth-largest
wildfire in Colorado history.
After the blaze was con-
tained nearly two months
later, heavy rains triggered
floods in the burn areas,
damaging homes and busi-
Now the federal govern-
ment and others are point-
ing the finger at a local icon
— the Durango & Silverton
Narrow Gauge Railroad,
which carries hundreds of
thousands of passengers a
year through the San Juan
Claiming cinders from
the coal-fired, steam loco-
motive ignited brush along
the tracks during a time of
heightened fire restrictions,
the U.S. attorney’s office
filed a suit against the train’s
owners last month seeking
$25 million to cover the cost

of putting out the fire. An-
other two dozen or so citi-
zens and businesses are also
suing for damage to their
Nobody wants the train
to go out of business, but
many fear the suits could
drive the railroad into bank-
ruptcy, destroying a historic
landmark and badly damag-
ing the local economy.
Allen Harper, who owns
the train, declined to com-
ment. An attorney for the
railroad, Dick Waltz, said he
could not talk about pend-
ing litigation.
“The responsible deci-
sion of train management
would have been to not run
the train in those super-dry
conditions,” said Thomas
Henderson, a Denver lawyer
whose firm is representing
individuals and businesses
suing the train. “The train
has started fires for years
that the feds have had to put
out. They should not get a
free pass simply because

they are big player in town.
That’s not how democracy
The train has run be-
tween Durango and Silver-
ton since 1882, offering stun-
ning alpine views and spe-
cialty trips. And while fish-
ing, skiing and the ancient
cliff dwellings at nearby
Mesa Verde are major tour-
ist draws, the train is argu-
ably the region’s chief econo-
mic powerhouse.
“The train’s impact is
huge,” said Jack Llewellyn,
executive director of the Du-
rango Chamber of Com-
merce. “We have about
200,000 riders a year, and
that brings in about $
million in economic impact
to the region annually.”
Few businesses are as
tied to the railroad as the
historic Strater Hotel, built
in 1887. Roderick Barker’s
family has owned it for 93
years, and he figures at least
50 to 60% of his guests ride
the train.

“The train is the lifeblood
of this whole town,” he said.
“If it were to fail it would cer-
tainly be one of the most sig-
nificant things to happen in
the history of Durango.”
He believes the train
caused the fire and needs to
change its operations. But
given its contribution to the
economy, he questions why
any local business would sue
the railroad.
Geoffrey Schlittgen,
owner of the Westerly RV
Park, lost a substantial part
of his summer business be-
cause of the fire.
“If I started a fire here I’d
be held responsible and
probably lose my business,”
he said. “I don’t want the
train to go out of business
and I don’t think it will go out
of business. But they need to
take responsibility for their
The deep communal ties
to the train and its possible
role in the fire have made life
awkward for some here.

Bobby Duthie, an attor-
ney, grew up in Durango.
The train whistle woke him
each morning. He’s ridden it
more than 50 times. Now he’s
working with Henderson in
representing those suing the
train. “I was initially reluc-
tant to get involved because
I love the train. But I also
know that their decision to
run it that day was reckless,”
he said, sitting in his down-
town office. “They had
started fires on the tracks
the month before and it was
just a matter of time until it
got out of control.”
According to the federal
lawsuit, the wildfire, dubbed
the 416 fire, began on
Shalona Hill where the
grade is steep. As the train
climbed, it cast off sparks
and cinders. A metal screen
on the smokestack caught
many but not all.
Kristi Nelson’s home es-
caped the fire but suffered
major damage in the mud-
slides. “They took 23 dump-

truck loads of mud from my
property,” she said. “It was
devastating. I still have a
mortgage on top of $116,
worth of damages. Let’s say I
don’t want to do this work.
Can I sell it?”
She says people have
urged her not to ruin the
train. That stings for the for-
mer vice president of sales
and marketing for the rail-
“It is with a heavy heart
that I entered into this law-
suit because I love the train,”
she said. “But if I crashed my
car into the train depot they
would expect my insurance
to pay. The train’s insurance
should do the same.”
For its part, the railway
has purchased two diesel-
powered locomotives with
less chance of causing fires
and is making improve-
ments to its tracks.
Cres Fleming welcomes
anything that will reduce
A self-described train fa-
natic, he lives in the wooded
Meadowridge subdivision
near the railroad tracks.
Railroad crossing lights
adorn his driveway. A ca-
boose and vintage rail car
stand nearby. His home has
a “train room” jammed with
lanterns, uniforms, bells,
brass locks, milepost mark-
ers and wooden signs.
“A lot of railroad people
are mad at me for saying the
train caused the fire,” he
said. In fact, he said, the
train routinely ignites fires.
“On the morning of the
fire I got there at 9:51 or
9:52ish. It took me about two
minutes to get the pump on-
line,” he said. “I dragged the
hose up here and shot the
water. But the hose was
about 20 feet short.”
“If I arrived two minutes
earlier I think I could have
put it out,” he said. “I still
think about it today.”

Kelly is a special

A railroad, a town and a wildfire

Residents reluctantly

sue a historic and

beloved Colorado

train for damages.

By David Kelly

THE DURANGO & SILVERTONNarrow Gauge Railroad carries hundreds of thousands of passengers
a year through the San Juan Mountains. The train is arguably the region’s chief economic powerhouse.

David KellyFor The Times

ARAMCOis ratedExcelent

Rated 9 out of 10











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