(singke) #1

sendmail made simple 240
sendmsg 189
sendto 189
set 152
SGI Indigo 46
sh 155
variables 159
Shaped Window extension (X) 136
shell programming
renaming files 161
shell scripts
writing xix
Shivers, Olin 7, 83, 131
Shulgin, Alexander xxxi
sidewalk obstruction 68
Siebert, Olin 116
Silicon Valley 86
Silver, Stephen J. 62
Silverio, C J 56
SimCity xxx
Simple and Beautiful mantra 188
simplicity of design 311
[email protected] 11
sleep 36, 271
Smalltalk 173
smL 280
Sobalvarro, Patrick 166
soft clipping 278
Solomon 128
Space Travel 5
Spafford, Gene 106
Spencer, Henry 283
spurts, blood 128
[email protected] 49
Stacy, Christopher 62
Standard I/O library 190
Stanford design style 311
Stanley’s Tool Works 159, 279
[email protected] 276
Stoll, Cliff xxxi, 246
Strassmann, Steve xxix, 72, 73, 137, 275
strings 53
strip xxv

stty 119
SUID 245–248
Sun Microsystems 6, 10, 14, 88, 113, 166, 241,
283, 292
superuser 244, 245
swapping 230
symbolic link 154
Symbolics (see Lisp Machine)
mercury treatment xx
system administration 221
System V
sucks 47
Systems Anarchist 50

Tannenbaum, Andy 230
tar 30, 33, 160
100-character limit 148, 193
[email protected] 86
tcsh 149
teletypes 111
telnet 118, 252
Tenex 20
TERM and TERMCAP environment variable 118
Termcap 117
termcap 113
Terminal, Johnny 117
terminfo 114
Tetris 117
TeX 38
tgoto 117
Thanksgiving weekend 241
The Green Berets 180
The Unix Programming Environment 189
Thompson, Ken 5, 19, 280, 307
Unix car 17, 185
Tiemann, Michael 187, 188, 209, 272, 296
[email protected] 292
timeval 193
[email protected] 32
[email protected] 173
TNT Toolkit 129
Tokyo, Japan 86
top 10 reasons why debuggers dump core 188
TOPS, A Sun Microsystems Company 292
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