Pro OpenGL ES for iOS

(singke) #1

348 ■ Index

reflections, specular, 325–328
reflective surfaces, 218–225
regions, clipping, 73–75
render parameter, 260, 263, 267–269, 276
renderAtPoint( ) method, 279, 281–282
renderFlareAt( ) method, 263–264
rendering, FBOs, 201–243
Hedley, 202–207
lens flares, 210–218
reflective surfaces, 218–225
shadows, 226–243
rendering order, 129
renderStage( ) method, 221
renderTextureAt( ) method, 261, 263
renderToStencil( ) method, 219–220, 223, 225
Retina displays, 245–246
RGB (red-green-blue), 93
RGBA (red, green, blue, and alpha), 142
roll, pitch, and yaw (RPY), 42
rotation matrix, 36
rotations, 34–37
RPY (roll, pitch, and yaw), 42

scaledX value, 214–216
scaledY value, 214–216
scaling, 37–38
scenes, showing in display, 22–26
screen, projecting object onto, 43–47
secondary lights, 119–122
setClipping( ) method, 69, 75, 86, 154, 239–240,
247, 252, 263, 266
setHoverPosition( ) method, 250–252, 256
setHoverPostion( ) method, 256
setupGL( ) method, 59, 318–319, 330, 336
shaders, 27–29, 307–340
earth at night, 318
clouds, 329
specular reflections, 325–328
GLKit tool, 333–339
GLKEffects library, 333–334
GLKReflectionMap class, 334–339
pipelines, 308–318
restrictions on shaders, 310–318
shader structure, 309–310
two cubes example, 308–309
math behind, 115–116
models of, 110

overview, 94
shadow volume, 227–228
shadows, 226–243
blob, 229
mapping, 227
projection, 229–243
volumes, 227–228
shininess, 108, 117
showing scene in display, 22–26
sizeWithFont( ) method, 281
slerping, 249
so glScale, 64
solar system example, 77–90
solar system model, 245–288
3D motion, 249–259
lens flare effect, 259–270
lighting in, 122
quaternions, 248–249
Retina display, 245–246
stars, 271–285
textures, 159–165
UI, 285–287
SolarSystemController, 266
specular exponent, 117
specular lighting, 107–108
specular reflections, 116–119, 325–328
attenuation, 118
benefits of understanding, 119
factors in color and intensity, 118–119
specularColorVarying variable, 326–328, 331
spherical linear interpolation, 249
spinning, 3D objects, 69–73
spotlights, 113–114
sprite sheets, 278, 296–297
squareColors, 57–58, 66
SS_FILLLIGHT1, 119–120, 124
SS_FILLLIGHT2, 119–120, 124
stars, for solar system model, 271–285
sun buffer objects, 208–210
surfaces, reflective, 218–225

Target Selector pane, for OpenGL analyzer, 304
texels, 137, 140, 144, 155–156
texture blending, 180–200
mapping with bumps, 191–200
multitexturing, 184–200
texture combiners, 184, 191–192, 197
texture environment, 185, 187
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