International Artist – June-July 2019

(WallPaper) #1

Do this:

  • Sit down with a piece of paper on a
    table and write down just how you
    feel at that moment. How clear is
    your thinking? Mood: Happy? A bit
    drab? At ease? Curious? Whatever.

  • Have a 9B pencil and a kneaded
    eraser ready. Start drawing anything
    you see in the room, or work from a
    photo. Draw for 20 minutes. Stop.

  • New piece of paper. Write your
    feelings now. Let them pour out for

three minutes.

  • Back to your drawing for another 20
    minutes. Then stop.

  • Again on new paper, write personal
    feelings. Honesty three minutes.

  • Now read all your words and consider
    your inner feelings for those moments
    of your life. Same person, same mind,
    happening within an hour.

Have your art friends do this and
compare the effects that come about.

This is an amazing experience. Too
often we let each moment command our
attitude. Moment by moment. In this
drawing time, we are actually in charge
of ourselves, our feelings, our life.

So Important
Art can do wonders for those who have
difficulties in life. I’m an authority
on that subject. Here’s a suggestion:
Creating marks on paper can release a
joy from within that’s hard to describe.

Harley Brown’s fascinating things no one else will tell you



Stage 1

Here you see I’ve fussed to get the first
shapes right. Not sort of right, but accurate
right. Don’t worry...accuracy in art is the
same as playing Hamlet. Get Shakespeare’s
words right, and then put yourself into it.
You’re on your way!

Come With Me

on This Journey

I’m doing this profile for several
reasons. First, I love profiles, whether
cats, horses, eagles and, yes, humans.
A lot is given us with a profile. It shows
the private world of the person, but
it’s also revealing. The lips, eyebrows,
questioning eyes. The magnificent
artistic shape of the human profile is
not some vague silhouette but a unique,
singular person.
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