Quilts and More - USA (2020 Winter)

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AllPeopleQuilt.com / millionpillowcases

Make a pillowcase.

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For people who love to sew or quilt, it’s so easy to
lift spirits and provide comfort to hospitalized kids,
homeless families, and others in need. Simply join
American Patchwork & Quilting® magazine’s 1 Million
Pillowcase Challenge and make and donate one,
two, or more pillowcases. You’ll make a difference
with every pillowcase you donate.

Join the movement today. Find complete details,
download free patterns, and be sure to record your
donations online at:


How you’re making a difference

Jennifer McCord, who teaches classes in fabric and yarn crafts, has

discovered that making pillowcases is a great beginner project for

her 10- to 12-year-old students. The students pick their own fabric

combinations and make two pillowcases in opposite colorways, one to

keep and one to share. Recently one beginner class chose to donate its

17 pillowcases to the pediatric ward of Sierra Vista Regional Medical

Center in San Luis Obispo, California.

NEW! Don’t know where to donate completed
pillowcases? Mail them to us and we’ll distribute to
charities across the country.
Visit AllPeopleQuilt.com/donate for details.
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