Love Knitting for Babies - UK (2019-11)

(Antfer) #1

Snowman jumper

Decrease one stitch at neck edge every
alt RS row 5 (5: 5: 5: 5) times.
15 ( 17 : 20: 22: 2 3 ) sts
Continue working in stocking stitch until
piece measures 2 7 (29: 3 2: 3 5: 37 )cm,
10½ (11½: 1 3 ¾: 14½)in, ending after a
WS row.

Change to 3 .25mm (UK10, US 3
Rows 1- 4 Knit.
Row 5 K4 (4: 5: 5: 5) k2tog, yo, k 3 (5: 6:
8 : 9), yo, k2tog, k4 (4: 5: 5: 5).
Rows 6 -9 Knit.
Cast off purlwise.

With RS facing, and working on rem
14: 14: 16) sts onto stich holder, rejoin
Yarn C to rem 20 (22: 25: 2 7 : 2 8 ) sts
Next row Purl.
Working on these 20 (22: 25: 2 7 : 2 8 ) sts
only, continue as follows:
Decrease one stitch at neck edge every
alt RS row 5 (5: 5: 5: 5) times.
15 ( 17 : 20: 22: 2 3 ) sts
Continue working in stocking stitch until

piece measures 2 7 (29: 3 2: 3 5: 37 )cm,
10½ (11½: 1 3 ¾: 14½)in, ending after a
WS row.

Change to 3 .25mm (UK 10, US 3 )
Rows 1- 4 Knit.
Row 5 K4 (4: 5: 5: 5) k2tog, yo, k 3 (5: 6:
8 : 9), yo, k2tog: k4 (4: 5: 5: 5).
Rows 6 -9 Knit.
Cast off purlwise.

Sleeves (make two)
Using 3 .25mm (UK 10, US 3 ) needles and
Yarn A, cast on 32 (32: 3 6: 3 6: 3 6) sts.
Change to Yarn B.
Knit 8 (8: 8 : 10: 10) rows.

Change to 4mm (UK 8 , US 6) needles
and Yarn C.
Next row (RS) Inc 3 (3: 3 : 3 : 3 ) evenly
across the row. 35 (35: 3 9: 3 9: 3 9) sts
Work in stocking st throughout, inc
Working in stripe pattern below
throughout, continue in stocking stitch
as set, without shaping, until piece
measures 14.5 ( 18 : 25: 3 0: 3 2)cm, 5¾ (7:
9¾: 11¾: 12½)in from fold line markers.
ending after a WS row. Cast off.

Work 10 rows in Yarn B.
Work 2 rows in Yarn C.
Work 8 rows in Yarn B.
Work 2 rows in Yarn C.
Work 6 rows in Yarn B.
Work 2 rows in Yarn C.
Work 4 rows in Yarn B.
Work 2 rows in Yarn C.

Using 3 .25mm (UK 10, US 3 ) needles
and Yarn C, with RS facing, pick up and
knit 22 (22: 22: 2 7 : 2 8 ) sts along side of
neck, knit across 12 (12: 14: 14: 16) sts
on hold, pick up and knit 22 (22: 22: 2 7 :
28 ) sts along side of neck.
56 (56: 5 8 : 6 8 : 7 2) sts
Rows 1- 4 Knit.
Row 5 K 3 , yo, k2tog, knit to last 5 sts,

It’s in the detail
For the eyes, work two French

k2tog, yo, knit to end.
Rows 6 - 7 Knit.
Row 8 Decrease 6 (6: 6: 7 : 8 ) sts evenly
across row. 50 (50: 52: 61: 64) sts
Row 9 Knit.
Cast off purlwise.

Snowman parts
Using 4mm (UK 8 , US 6) needles and
Yarn B, cast on 7 sts.
Row 1 Knit.
Row 2 Purl.
Repeat Rows 1-2 a further 4 times.
Cast off.

Using 4mm (UK 8 , US 6) needles and
Yarn D, cast on 7 sts.
Rows 1-3 Knit.
Row 4 Purl.
Row 5 K1, m1, knit to last st, m1, k1.
9 sts
Row 6 Purl.
Row 7 K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog,
k1. 7 sts
Row 8 Purl.
Row 9 K1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog,
k1. 5 sts
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail. Using
tapestry needle thread tail through rem
5 sts and pull to close top of mitten.

Using 4mm (UK 8 , US 6) needles and
Yarn D, cast on 3 0 sts.
Rows 1-3 Knit.
Row 4 Cast off 5 sts, knit to end. 25 sts
Row 5 Cast off 5 sts, purl to end. 20 sts
Row 6 Knit.
Row 7 Purl.
Repeat Rows 6- 7 a further 5 times.
Cast off.

Using 3 .25mm (UK10, US 3 ) needles
and Yarn A, cast on 1 3 sts.
Row 1 Knit.
Row 2 Purl.
Row 3 (K1, k2tog) 4 times, k1. 9 sts
Row 4 Purl.
Row 5 (K2tog) 4 times, k1. 5 sts
Row 6 P1, (p2tog) twice. 3 sts
Cut yarn, leaving a long tail.
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