Poker X 1st test ebook

(itemelite) #1

You of course will want to consider what cards you have in your hand. Naturally, AA is the
best to start with. It helps if your hand is suited or if the cards are sequential in rank like a
Seven and an Eight ("connected"). It's important to understand how your two cards hold
up against other combinations of cards though.

Here are some general strategies to keep in mind:

Fast play high pairs and very strong hands before the op. This puts more money in the
early pot and encourages weak and garbage hands to fold that could get a lucky op and
beat you.

Don't draw to the low end or both ends of a straight. If a 9 8 7 ops, you want to be
playing the J 10 and not the 6 5 or the 10 6. (The low part is commonly called the
"ignorant" end of the straight.)

Unconnected Medium and Low Cards are Usually Unplayable. This includes suited cards
that can't op a straight. Both ends of a straight such as 9 5 fall into this very weak

Play starting low pairs cautiously. This means from 66 down to 22. You should not
usually play them from an early seat and play from the late positions, only when the price
is right. If you don't op a set or quads you should usually fold.

Play aggressively when you have a two way draw after the op. If you can make a
straight AND a ush or trips etc., usually bet/raise your hand.

Bet an Ace or two high over cards after a garbage op (a three suit "rainbow" with
unconnected medium and low cards). Usually fold if someone raises.

Watch out for uniform ops, like 8 7 6, they can easily turn into straights that can
overtake your high pair or other good hand.

Check the raisers chips. Players that are close to all-in often rush the betting just to get
all their chips in a sink-or-swim last hand.

Beware of Suited Flops that can make a completed ush. In this case, you should usually
hold the nut in that suit, or have trips or two pair that can ll up.

You can have all the strategy under your belt that your brain can hold, but be careful!
There are tell-tale signs that can be exhibited by even the most seasoned poker player.
While it’s true that playing online doesn’t give you the advantage of seeing a player face
to face, there are still some tells that many online players have to give them away.

Chapter 11 - Tells

(Return to Contents) Online Poker Winning Strategies Revealed #^27

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