Poker X 1st test ebook

(itemelite) #1

Hold'em is basically HIGH card game. The players holding two good high cards have the
best chance at the best hand or a draw to the best hand after the op. Only play strong
hands that will stand a raise or multiple raises, from early betting positions. Play medium
strength and other playable hands from the later positions if you have a good chance of
seeing the op at a reasonable price.

Play strong high hands MOST of the time, and play them very aggressively. Take all the
raises you can get. If you don't thin out the competition, you reduce your chances of
winning. Plus, your aggressive play before the op can add credibility to any strong play
you might want to use on the next round if a garbage op falls and you want to try a
steal. Be ready to fold your high pair if you get a lot of action with a threatening op

However, before you start betting like a madman when you get two eights in the pocket,
you need to carefully consider all factors involved in solid pre-op strategy.

The factors to consider are the number of players, how aggressive/passive the players at
the table are, your bankroll, your position, and how much risk you are willing to entail.

Number of players: With 10 people in the game, it's much more likely that someone else
has a strong hand in the pocket than in a short-handed game. Also, you'll need to be
more cautious in larger games, as the chances of someone's pre-op hand tting the op
will be much better. More competition means stier competition.

How aggressive the players are: Assuming you've been playing with a few people for
several hands, and you noticed some jerk is raising every hand pre-op, you'll want to
play tighter. Let the guy win the blinds (big deal) and nail him to the wall when you have a
solid hand in the pocket pre-op.

Your bankroll: If you have $2 left, you'll want to play extremely carefully and select one
hand to bet on, hoping to get as many players involved as possible for a larger pot. You'll
want to be all-in before the op is dealt. On the ip-side, if you have $1000 at a $1/$2
table, you can take the high-risk, high-payout bets.

Your position: People in late position (big blind, small blind, on the button) have the
ability to inuence the size of the pot much more than those in early position. This is
especially true pre-op. See our separate section on position.

Your tolerance for risk: Depending on your playing style, you may want to play more or
less aggressively pre-op. Players who shoot for larger pots, but don't mind a greater
chance for losing a few hands will want to raise pre-op, especially if they are in late
position. Some players prefer to be as selective as possible pre-op, grinding out a
winning hand here or there. It really depends on your own style of play, and how you
perceive the players around you.

Online Poker Winning Strategies Revealed # 26
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