How to Write Newsletters That Get Opened Read and Clicked

(lhb123) #1

How to Write Newsletters That Get Opened, Read and Clicked

Since the explosion of content marketing, marketers are
more exhausted than ever with their efforts to create newsletters
that convert... but that end up failing to do anything more than
generate work. It should come as no surprise to you that inbox
competition is at an all-time high. You already know that marketers
in every industry – including yours – are creating more content than
ever before and that they’re distributing that content via emailed
newsletters. But it’s not like the only barrier to your newsletter’s
success is competition. That would be manageable for any
marketer. Rather, your newsletter is impeded by:

  1. The tiny screens your
    subscribers are using to read
    their email

  2. Gmail’s Promotions tab,
    also known as The Place
    Go to Die

40% of B2B content
marketers believe
EFFECTIVE content marketing
tactics than social media and
other tactics. ( 2014 )^1
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