in Chicago to enroll black voters ahead of the November elections. It was estimated that about 400 ...
city’s departments, including Health and Human Services. The job was broad and people oriented enough to be ...
B meant occasionally disrupting the flow at work, and didn’t try to compartmentalize work and ...
had also blown his book deadline, having been so caught up in registering voters that he’d managed to ...
It sounds a little like a bad joke, doesn’t it? What happens when a solitude- loving ind ...
be a genus of white women who lived inside television sitcoms—cheery, coiffed, corseted. They stayed at hom ...
hours she didn’t spend on herself. My considerable blessings in life were now causing a kind of ...
M 13 y new job made me nervous. I’d been hired to be the executive director for the brand-new Chicago chapte ...
means of widening the horizon for young people thinking about careers. But what I especially ...
half of what I’d been earning as a lawyer, that I literally couldn’t afford to say yes. Which led ...
across the country while also looking for talent closer to home. My team and I visited community colleges a ...
W there was lots of it. Not all the Allies would go on to work in the nonprofit or public sectors and no ...
Allies. Outwardly, it seemed like a perfect existence for an intellectual, civic- minded guy in his ...
W ith the book finished, there was new space in his life, and—also in keeping with who he’d ...
T In the case of the Illinois senate in 1996, my reasoning went like this: I didn’t much ap ...
his faith. Barack was elected to the Illinois senate in November 1996 and sworn in two months l ...
was the end of the workweek, and because I was accustomed to it at this point, it didn’t bother me that he w ...
I and most especially the South Side neighborhood that surrounded it, including through the creation ...
service of important monthly hormonal markers but rather in concert with the Illinois legislative sch ...
It felt like having a high-stakes lottery ticket, only with science involved. By the time the prelimin ...
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