PC World - USA (2020-02)

(Antfer) #1
FEBRUARY 2020 PCWorld 111

the number of members in the
Music Club (column C), but only
the members who receive the
discounted price of $18.00 a
month. First you count the cells,
then set the condition; for
example: =COUNTIF(C13:C22,
“<19”). In this case, the answer
is 2. Note: Don’t forget to put
the conditions inside double
quotes, or else you’ll receive an
You can also combine
multiple functions to get the
results you need, so you don’t
have to use multiple cells or
columns, which wastes valuable
spreadsheet real estate. For example,
imagine that you need to know how many
cells are in a column or range with numbers
(or text) plus the blanks.
For the numbers plus the blanks, enter
this formula:
=COUNT(B13:B22) +
For all characters (alpha and numeric)
plus the blanks, enter this formula:
=COUNTA(B13:B22) +

    A very useful function if you decide to
    change the spreadsheet fields (columns) to
    rows and vice versa. Why would anyone do

this? Sometimes when spreadsheets are
created, we aren’t absolutely certain
which data should be the fields and which
should be the records and, sometimes,
the situation changes and requires a
redesign. This is where the Transpose
function comes in.
First, select a range of blank cells
beneath (or on another sheet) that’s the
same size as the original range. Note that the
original number of columns/fields may be
five, while the rows/records are six. When
you transpose the data, you’ll have six
columns and five rows; so be sure your blank
cells reflect that. The original range may be
A32:E37, but the new range of blank cells
highlighted should be A40:E44.
Once the new range is highlighted, type

Check out the Average, FormulaText, and four Count functions.
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