A History of America in 100 Maps

(Axel Boer) #1

Hull House 166, 188
labor opportunities in 176
meatpacking industry 185, 194, 252
migration to 218
Nineteenth Ward 166
University of 188
Chicago Tribune 192
Chickasaw Indians 72, 130
China 29
as Cathay 12, 15
revolution 223, 238
Chinese, in California, antagonism toward 9,
150, 164, 166
Chinese Exclusion Act (1882) 164
Chocktaw Indians 130
cholera 183
Christianity 50, 54, 102, 164, 225
see also Catholicism; Protestantism
Church of England 43
Churchill, Winston 223
meeting with Roosevelt 204, 208, 210
Cincinnati 138
civil defense 229
Civil Rights Act (1964) 199
Civil Rights movement 205, 230, 233
Civil War
aftermath 148, 150, 163, 175, 185
anti-Confederate sentiment during 157
cartography during and after 142, 144, 147
dynamics leading to 139
influence on politics 148, 156-7, 250
Lincoln in 125, 142, 144, 148
outbreak of 128
Sherman’s campaign in 8, 147
Union strategy 218
Clark, William 99, 113, 114–15, 114–15, 122
Clearwater River 114
Cleveland, labor opportunities in 176
Cleveland, Grover 170
Clinton, DeWitt 120
coal mining 150, 152–4, 155
Cock, Hieronymus 30, 34
Cold War 205, 217, 223, 229, 230, 232–4, 238,
242, 244, 245, 250
“Cold Water Army” 126
Colden, Cadwallader
“A Map of the Country of the Five Nations”
64, 78–9, 79, 99, 121
“New York” 120–1, 120–1
Colden, Cadwallader David 121
Colombia 173
Colorado 8, 163, 175, 192, 221, 250
meat industry in 252
Colorado River 88, 89, 115, 163, 187
Columbia River 114, 134, 158
Columbia University 217
Lamont Geological Observatory 242
Columbian exchange 11
Columbus, Christopher 1, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15,
21, 30, 172
Comanche Indians 130, 134
Committee on Public Information (CPI) 238
“Why Germany Wants Peace Now” 176,
180, 180–1
Committees of Safety 90
communication technology 176
communism 217, 223, 225, 232
purges 224
Communist Party
France 223, 225
US 224
concentration camps 204, 213, 216–17, 216,
Concord 65, 90, 91
Confederacy (Confederate States) 125, 142,
144, 147, 148, 152, 157
and Articles of Confederation 100
declares war on Japan 208
and gas tax 229

and immigration 233
and industrialization 151
and irrigation survey 163
Jefferson and 113, 114
legislation under Franklin D. Roosevelt 177,
202, 204
and Lend Lease program 210
map dedication to 102
and Northwest Ordinance 99
prohibition of slavery 125, 134, 140
and railroads 158–9
and Reconstruction 148
slave states and 98
and transportation network 120
and voting rights 254
and water management 186
and World War I 176, 180, 182
Congress on Racial Equality 230
Connecticut 64, 100
Connecticut River 54, 128
“Conquest and Kultur” 180
conquistadores 13, 23, 25, 29
Constitution 98, 100, 106
Eighteenth Amendment 126, 190
Fifteenth Amendment 148, 175
Fourteenth Amendment 205, 230
Equal Protection clause 254
Nineteenth Amendment 175
Thirteenth Amendment 148
Contarini, Giovanni, and Francesco Rosselli,
“Mundu Spericum” 10, 14–15, 14–15, 17
Continental Army 92, 102
continental drift 232, 242
Cook, Catharine M., “A Map of the United
States” 9, 118, 118–19
Corco, Cape 50
Cordova 21
corn production 147, 202
Cornwallis, Charles Cornwallis, 1st Marquess
Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de 26, 29, 30
Coronelli, Vincenzo, “America Settentrionale”
35, 60–2, 60–1, 62–3, 66
Corps of Engineers 142
Cortés, Hernán 11, 24, 26
map of the Gulf of Mexico and plan of
Tenochtitlan 22–3, 23
“Costa Adra” 50
cotton cultivation 99, 124, 134, 139, 142, 147,
202, 218
cotton gin 124
Creek Indians 72, 130
Creel, George 180
crime 126, 168, 178
in Chicago 188, 190
aerial photograph of 234, 234
annotated map of 234, 236–7
map of missile range from 234, 237
missile crisis 232, 234–6, 235, 236–7
under Spanish control 170, 234
Cumberland Gap 102, 142
Czechoslovakia 216, 217, 223
D-Day 213
Da Gama, Vasco 14
dairy farming 185
dams 202
Dan Ryan Expressway 229
Danang 238
Danube, River 216, 217
Darwinism 166
Davis, Marvin 226
Day O’Connor, Sandra 116, 254
Dayton, TN 177
DC-3 aircraft 220
de Brahm, William Gerard 105
De la Cosa, Juan 21
De Soto, Hernando 26, 30
Debs, Eugene V. 180

Declaration of Independence 8, 88, 98, 100,
116, 142
Dee, John 11
chart of part of the northern hemisphere
32, 32–3
DeepMap, data visualization for autonomous
vehicles 258–9, 259
deerskin trade 8, 64, 72
defense 100, 150, 177, 205, 229, 232, 233, 238
Defense, Department of 250
deforestation 202
Delaware River 56
de L’Isle, Guillaume 62
“Carte de la Louisiane et du Cours du
Mississippi” 62, 64, 66, 66–7, 68, 79
democracy 116, 210, 223
representative 254
Democratic Party 125, 140, 141, 156–7, 224,
232, 238
National Convention (1968) 241, 244
on Northern Pacific Railroad 150
“Redeemers” 148
in the South 250
and voting rights 254
Democrats, Southern 140, 148, 157
demographic information 254
demographic shifts 250, 252–3
Denver 192, 220
Deseret see Utah
Detroit 121, 206
African American migration to 218
automobile industry 192, 196
labor opportunities in 176
DeVoto, Bernard 133
Días, Bartolomeu 10, 12
Dietrich, Günter 242
digital technology 246, 248, 256, 258–9
Dinwiddie, Robert 84
Disney, Roy 226
Disney, Walt 205, 226
Disneyland 177, 187, 205, 226
Dolores River 89
Dominguez, Francisco Atanasio 8, 88
Donaldsonville 218
Doolittle, Amos 100
Dorchester 91
Douglas, Stephen 125, 140
Douglass, Frederick 175
Drake, Sir Francis 30, 34
Dred Scott v. Sanford decision 141
drought 163
drugs, war on 190
DuBois, W.E.B. 150–1
The Philadelphia Negro 9
“The Seventh Ward of Philadelphia” 168,
Dulles, Allen 225
Dutch see Netherlands
Dutch West India Company 50, 52
DuVal, Pierre 46
Earth Day 244
Earthrise 242, 244–5, 244 , 245
Eastern Sierra 186
Eaton, Frederick 186–7
Edinburgh 94
Edney, Matthew 97
education 98, 106, 118–9
for blind people 128
female 9, 118
Eisenhower, Dwight 213, 225, 229, 234, 238,
Elbe, River 213
elections 116, 156–7, 233, 254
Electoral College 125, 157
electoral politics 150, 156–7, 250, 254
electricity, electrification 187, 202
electronics 176
Elizabeth I, Queen 11, 30, 34
Ellicott, Andrew, and Pierre Charles L’Enfant,

“Plan of the City of Washington, in
the Territory of Columbia” 106, 107
Ellington, Duke 190
Elmina 50
Emancipation Proclamation 125
Embarcadero Freeway 229
Empey, Arthur Guy
“Diagram Illustrating Typical Fire Trench,
Second Line and Communication
Trenches” 178–9, 178–9
Over the Top 178, 179
engineering, feats of
automotive 258–9
electricity 187
Erie Canal 99
Military 213
Panama Canal 151
space program 248
water 187, 218
England, English
colonization by 30, 34, 35, 60, 62, 64
and Declaration of Independence 88
and Dutch culture 53
seizure of Manhattan and naming of New
York 50, 52
and slave trade 74
see also Britain, British
epidemics and pandemics 43, 91, 172, 176,
182–3, 182–3
Erie Canal 99, 120–1, 124
Erie, Lake 64, 80, 84, 120
Escalante, Silvestre Vélez de 8, 88
espionage 224
Espionage Act (1917) 180
Esquire Magazine 190
Essex County 116
population 10
Revolutions of 1848 138
evangelical movement 125, 126, 225
Evans, Lewis 64
“A General Map of the Middle British
Colonies, in America” 86–7, 86–7, 100
expansion, national 122, 124–5, 136, 141, 250
Falmouth 105
farming, farmers
see also agriculture
in Appalachia 154
dairy 185
discontent among workers 150
farming by German immigrants 138
and impoverishment of soil 202
and irrigation 163
seeking work 166, 250
Farwell, Willard, et al., “Official Map of
Chinatown in San Francisco” 164, 165
fascism 204, 210, 224
Fayette County 102
Federal Aid Highway Act (1956) 199, 205, 229
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 224
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) 77, 201
Federal Meat Inspection Act 185
Federal Writers’ Project 196
Federalists 9, 98, 100, 108, 116, 122
film industry 177, 194
animated film 226
talking pictures 194
Filson, John
“The Adventures of Daniel Boone” 102
“Map of Kentucke” 99, 102, 102–3
“Final Solution” 204
First Continental Congress 90
Fisk, Harold Norman, “Ancient Courses
[of the] Mississippi River Meander Belt”
(sheet 9) 218, 219
Fisk University 168, 199
Five Nations 68, 79, 87
Flat-Top Coalfield, Virginia and West Virginia
154, 155
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