A History of America in 100 Maps

(Axel Boer) #1

immigrants from 188
invasion of 204

Jackson, Andrew 124, 125, 128
Jackson, Mississippi 230
black population 254
Jackson, Wyoming 133
Jackson, Thomas “Stonewall” 152
Jamaica 21
James I, King 36, 43
James, William 168
James River 36, 38, 41, 45, 80
Jamestown 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 45, 80
Japan 10, 13, 29, 208, 213, 223
Pearl Harbor attack 206, 210
as “Zipangri” 24
as “Zipangu” 15
Japanese Americans 205
Jay, John (elder) 97
Jay, John (younger) 97, 141, 142
“Freedom and Slavery, and the Coveted
Territories” 125, 140–1, 140–1, 142
jazz 190
Jefferson, Peter see Fry, Joseph
Jefferson, Thomas 80, 99, 106, 113, 114, 116,
120, 132
Jeppesen, Elrey 220
Jesuits, French 79
in Holocaust 216–17
Russian 180
Johnson City 246
Johnson, Lyndon B. 225, 232, 238, 241, 244
Johnston, Joseph 147
Jolliet, Louis 46, 60
Journal of Infectious Diseases 246
Jülich 213
Jupiter nuclear missiles 234

Kamarad 216
Kanawha River 153
Kansas 113, 140, 141, 163, 182
Latino population 252–3
meat industry in 252
Kansas—Nebraska Act 140–1
Kelley, Florence 150, 166
Kellogg, William Pitt 148
Kennedy, John F. 225, 229, 232, 236
assassination 238
and civil rights movement 230
and Cuban missile crisis 234–6
and space program 244, 245
and Vietnam 238
Kennedy, Robert 230, 234, 236
assassination 241, 244
Kent State University 241
Kentucky 99, 102, 125, 142, 150, 153, 246
coal production 150, 153, 154
Filson’s map of 99, 102, 102–3
Lincoln and 142
and slavery 125
Khrushchev, Nikita 234, 236
Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson 144
Kimball, Frederick 154
King, Martin Luther, Jr. 241, 244
King Philip’s War 35, 54
Kissinger, Henry 225
Knoxville 142
Kraus, Michal
“From Linz to Nachoda” 216–17, 217
map of Austrian concentration camps
204–5, 216–17, 217
Ku Klux Klan 230
Kuralt, Charles 229
Kurgan, Laura 233
“Around Ground Zero” 256, 257

La Salle, Robert de 46, 60, 62, 66, 84
labor 35, 80, 124, 150, 152, 157, 213

child 166
and immigration 138–9, 164, 166, 252-3
and poverty 166
Labrador 21
Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de 92
Landrieu, Mitch 148
Langenstein camp 213
Laos 241
Las Casas, Bartolomé de 11
Latin America, communist movement in 225
population 229, 232, 252–3
as term 253
Latter-Day Saints see Mormons
Leavenworth 130
Lee, Robert E. 148
Leiden 43
leisure 9, 190, 196, 199, 204, 226
Lenape Indians 35
Lend-Lease program 208, 210
L’Enfant, Pierre Charles 106
Lewis, Meriwether 99, 113, 122
Lewis, Samuel
“A Map of Lewis and Clark’s Track, across
the Western Portion of North America”
(copied from drawings by William Clark)
114–15, 114–15
“Louisiana” 112 , 113
Lexington 65, 90, 91, 102
Liberal, Kansas, Latino population 253
Library of Congress 17
Life magazine 241
Lima 234
Lincoln, Abraham
elected president 125, 141, 142
Emancipation Proclamation 142, 144, 144–5
and map of the South 142, 144
plan for reconstruction 148
re-election as President 147
and slavery 125, 144, 157
as teetotaler 126
Lincoln Highway 196, 199, 229
Lincoln Hills 199
Lindbergh, Charles 220
Linz 217
Lipton Company 245
“Lipton Lunar Space Map” 244–5, 244–5
Litchfield Female Academy, Connecticut 118
literacy 87, 118, 128, 175, 254
Lithuania, immigrants from 188
Logstown 84
London 32, 58, 76, 80, 105, 106, 151
railroad investors from 154
Lone Pine, California 66
Long, Stephen 122
Los Angeles 177, 220
aqueduct 186–7
and automobile industry 196
Bureau of Power and Light, utility bill 186–7,
City Water Company 186
Department of Water and Power 186
non-union city 194
Sunday Times 194
water supply 250
Los Angeles Sunday Times 194, 194–5
Louis XIV, King 60
Louisiana 62, 84, 118, 124, 148
Geological Survey 218
naval base 182
White League in 148
Louisiana Purchase 89, 99, 113, 136, 170
Louisiana Territory 112 , 113, 122, 125, 132
slavery outlawed in 140
Low Countries see Netherlands
Luce, Henry 202, 206, 210
lunar mission 232, 233, 244–5
Luo, Wei 258
Lusitania, RMS 176, 178
Lynnfield, MA 116

McCarran, Pat 224
McCarthy, Joseph 224
McCutcheon, John, “The New Yorker’s Idea
of the Map of the United States” 192
McDowell County 154
McKinley, William 170, 173
MacMillan, Henry 204
“XIX Corps in Action” 212, 213
“XIX Corps in Action: From Siegfried Line
to Victory” 213, 214–15
Madison, James 100, 106, 116, 122
Magellan, Ferdinand 11, 24
Magellan, Straits of 24
Maggiolo, Vesconte 10
map of the world 20–1, 21
Maine 64, 108
Maine, USS 170
malaria 36, 172
Malaya 238
Maltese crosses 41
Manhattan Island 9, 34–5, 52–3, 53, 190, 233
Battery Park 53
Governor’s House 53
Wall Street 53
Manhattan Magazine 190
“manifest destiny” (concept) 99, 122, 132, 136
Mann, Horace 128
“Map describing the situation of the Several
Nations of Indians” 72, 72–3
“Mare di Virginia” 62
market economy 124
Marquette, Jacques 46, 60, 84
Marshall Plan 205, 223
Martellus Germanus, Henricus 17
Ptolemaic world map 12–13, 12–13
Marxism 234
Maryland 56, 106
Mason, Richard 136
mass production techniques 185, 196
Massachusetts 64, 87, 90, 116, 120
redistricting 98
Massachusetts Bay Colony 43, 54
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 152
Mauthausen concentration camp 216, 217
Mayflower (ship) 34–5
meatpacking industry 176, 185, 194, 248, 252
medical advances and public health 183
Meinig, Donald 196
Melish, John, “Map of the United States,
with the contiguous British & Spanish
Possessions” 99, 122, 122–3
Melk 216, 217
Memphis, TN 241
Menotomy 90
Mercator, Gerard 17, 30
Mercator projection 206
Mercer County, WV 154
Mexican Americans 252
Mexican—American War 124, 133, 134, 136,
bison in 160
and border of Louisiana 89
Gulf of 21, 24, 46, 62, 64, 79, 192
immigration from 252
independence from Spain 134
Mormons and 133
outlaws slavery 134
Spanish expeditions to 26–9
see also Aztecs
Mexico City 11, 21, 26, 134, 234
Miami 105, 192, 229
Michigan 99
Latino population 252
Michigan, Lake 46, 94
microchip 233
Mid-Atlantic Ridge 242
Middleton, MA 116
Miera y Pacheco, Bernardo de 8
“Plano geographico de la tierra descubierta

y demarcada” 88–9, 88–9
migration 124–5, 132–3
domestic and internal 232, 250
patterns of 232
regional 250
to Chicago 188
to San Francisco 164, 172134
see also immigration
westward 205
Milwaukee 138, 192
Minnesota 99
Latino population 252
“Minnie the Moocher” 190
Minutemen 90
missions, missionaries 34, 36, 45, 88
Mississippi 118, 124
Hind County Board of Supervisors 254
University of 234
Mississippi River
basin 113
British and 65, 86, 97
Commission 218
and cotton cultivation 124
Delta 160, 218
and Erie Canal 121
French exploration and claim to 46, 60, 62,
64, 66, 82, 84, 86, 94, 113
and Lewis and Clark expedition 114–15
Lower 102, 124, 142, 205, 218, 219
Upper 79, 84
Valley 10, 34
as western boundary of US 98, 99, 136, 192
Missouri Compromise line 136, 140
Missouri River 99, 113, 114, 130
basin 113
Missouri (state) 124, 130, 218
Latino population 252
as slave state 122
Missouri Territory 122
Mitchell, John 8
“A Map of the British Colonies in North
America ...” 94–7, 94–7, 100, 122
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, “A New Map of
Texas Oregon and California” 134, 134–5
Moll, Herman, “A New Map of the North Parts
of America Claimed by France” 68, 68–9,
70–1, 79
Monongahela River 84, 86
Montagnai tribe 46
Montana 160, 192
“Montes Lune” (Mountains of the Moon) 12
Montezuma 11, 21
Montgomery bus boycott 230
Montreal, Isle of 46
Moody, Sid 230
Moors 21
Mormons (Latter-Day Saints) 124, 132, 133,
134, 163
Morse, Jedidiah, Geography Made Easy 98, 100
Moscow 223
motion pictures see film industry
Mount Vernon 106
Mulholland, William 186, 187
München-Gladbach (later Mönchengladbach)
Mundy, Barbara 21
Münster, Sebastian 11
“Novae Insulae XVII Nova Tabula” 24–5,
24–5, 30
Universal Geography 24
Muscle Shoals 202
My Lai massacre 241
Mystic River 91
Náchod 216, 217
Nagasaki 223
Nantucket Island 105
Narragansett Indians 54
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space
Administration) 221, 244
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