Liverpool FC - UK (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1

Luis Suarez v Norwich City (H)
Premier League (4 December)
Two Suarez goals in this match were shortlisted
for the Reds’ best of 2013. Mind you, he scored
four in total in the ixture as the Reds romped to a
5-1 win.
His opportunistic 40-yard volley, which left
Canaries keeper John Ruddy grasping helplessly at
thin air, won the club’s oicial Goal of the Season
honour at the end of a campaign that also saw the
Uruguayan crowned as the PFA Players’ Player and
Football Writers’ Player of the Year.
Captain Steven Gerrard said afterwards: “You
have seen a world-class performance, probably
one of the best individual performances I’ve seen
at Anield – and I’ve been playing here a long time.
“Having worked with him every single day, it’s
probably less of a surprise to me as it is to the
“I’ve been pushing his corner for a long time that
he is up there with the best in the world. His fourth
goal was average and it was a 30-yard free-kick,
so I think that sums his performance up.”

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