Figure 13.15 A simplified form of fac-
tor graph to describe the hidden Markov
h fn
z 1 zn− 1 zn
To derive the alpha-beta algorithm, we denote the final hidden variablezNas
the root node, and first pass messages from the leaf nodehto the root. From the
general results (8.66) and (8.69) for message propagation, we see that the messages
which are propagated in the hidden Markov model take the form
μzn− 1 →fn(zn− 1 )=μfn− 1 →zn− 1 (zn− 1 ) (13.47)
zn− 1
fn(zn− 1 ,zn)μzn− 1 →fn(zn− 1 ) (13.48)
These equations represent the propagation of messages forward along the chain and
are equivalent to the alpha recursions derived in the previous section, as we shall
now show. Note that because the variable nodesznhave only two neighbours, they
perform no computation.
We can eliminateμzn− 1 →fn(zn− 1 )from (13.48) using (13.47) to give a recur-
sion for thef→zmessages of the form
zn− 1
fn(zn− 1 ,zn)μfn− 1 →zn− 1 (zn− 1 ). (13.49)
If we now recall the definition (13.46), and if we define
α(zn)=μfn→zn(zn) (13.50)
then we obtain the alpha recursion given by (13.36). We also need to verify that
the quantitiesα(zn)are themselves equivalent to those defined previously. This
is easily done by using the initial condition (8.71) and noting thatα(z 1 )is given
byh(z 1 )=p(z 1 )p(x 1 |z 1 )which is identical to (13.37). Because the initialαis
the same, and because they are iteratively computed using the same equation, all
subsequentαquantities must be the same.
Next we consider the messages that are propagated from the root node back to
the leaf node. These take the form
fn+1(zn,zn+1)μfn+2→fn+1(zn+1) (13.51)
where, as before, we have eliminated the messages of the typez → fsince the
variable nodes perform no computation. Using the definition (13.46) to substitute
forfn+1(zn,zn+1), and defining
β(zn)=μfn+1→zn(zn) (13.52)