Diabetic Living
® (ISSN 1552-8065), February (Spring) 2019, Volume 16, No. 2. Diabetic Living is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November by Meredith Corp., 1716 Locust St., Des Moines, IA 50309-3023. Periodicals postage paid at Des Moines, IA, and at additional
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Try this activity anytime you need a few
minutes to pause and reset. With practice,
it can help you manage stress during life’s
demanding moments. Read it through
once before starting, or ask someone to
read it to you.
Slow your breathing. Focus on ex-
haling slowly and more fully. After a few
slow breaths, close your eyes and begin
to scan your body, one part at a time,
from the top of your head down to your
toes, noticing areas where you’re holding
tightness. When you reach a tense spot,
take a slow breath in and imagine you’re
filling that area with fresh, clean air. As
you breathe out, let the tension go.
Once you reach your toes, scan back
up through your body, looking for areas
that feel relaxed. When you find one,
pause and breathe. Note the sensations
you’re experiencing. Perhaps your relaxed
body parts feel heavy, like they’re sinking
into your chair, or perhaps they feel light.
Perhaps they feel warm or cool.
Take a few slow breaths to finish.
Notice any information coming in
from your senses, whether it’s sounds,
warmth, the sensation of air on your
skin, or any colors you’re seeing with
your eyes closed. Open your eyes.
ALICE BOYES, PH.D., is the author
of The Healthy Mind Toolkit and
The Anxiety Toolkit
Before You Go ...
This breathing exercise can help you tune in
to your body and find some calm.