PC World - USA (2020-03)

(Antfer) #1
124 PCWorld MARCH 2020



  1. Normally, the Product Description
    resides in column B, the Quantity Sold in
    column C, Product Price in column D,
    Extended Cost in E, Discounts in F, Sales Tax
    in G, and Totals in H. The column totals are
    across the top on row 2, remember? Format
    the column widths based on the length of
    the field names, and adjust the row height to
    20 on all rows. Change the Top/Bottom
    alignment to Center, select the justification
    you prefer (left, right, center), and then
    format the spreadsheet “styles” to your

  2. Once the master database is set up,
    do not move anything. If you need to add
    fields, use the Insert Column command. For
    example, if you wanted to
    add a second sales tax,
    position your cursor
    anywhere on column H
    (Totals) and click the tab:
    Home > Insert > Insert
    Sheet Columns. The new
    column drops in to
    become the new H
    column, and the Totals
    column moves over to I.
    This process does not
    affect the macro.

  3. The same process
    applies to rows. Normally I
    would caution you to insert
    rows “inside” the active

database area. For example, if the formula
says =SUM(B3:B20) and you insert or use a
row outside of the formula’s range like B21,
the new record’s data is not included in the
formula and therefore, does not calculate.

  1. Now we’ll set up that formula range.
    Enter the following formulas on row 2 (this is
    a one-time task):
    C2: =SUM(C 4 :C 500 )
    E2: =SUM(E 4 :E 500 )
    F2: =SUM(F 4 :F 500 )
    G2: =SUM(G 4 :G 500 )
    H2: =SUM(H 4 :H 500 )
    Next, enter the following formulas in
    these columns (also a one-time event):
    E4: =SUM(C 4 *D 4 ), then copy from E4
    down to E5:E500

Enter the formulas to calculate the columns and rows.
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