How To Become Vegan

(chitransh2891) #1

animals. I found myself in the uncomfortable situations of recognizing that
I’m part of a family that’s at war with itself.
You may find yourself in a similar quagmire of emotions from time to
time. Sometimes you may not know how to handle those feelings. You may
want to withdraw from the world now and then. I certainly feel that way
sometimes. I suggest that you do your best to honor your feelings and let
them guide you instead of repressing them.
Sometimes I just can’t handle being around animal eaters. The ignorance
and indifference gets to me. I feel saddened by their unwillingness to care
enough to help alleviate the suffering they’re actively supporting.
Sometimes these feelings aren’t triggered by any specific events or
circumstances. Just the awareness that so many animals are being
slaughtered each day and sold for their bodies can bring me down when I
put my attention on it.
I’ve learned that when I need time away from animal eaters, it’s best for
me to honor those feelings. I’ll disappear from their world for a while,
retreat to my vegan sanctuary, blow off any invitations from them, and
spend time only with fellow vegans for a while. I don’t tell them I’m doing
this because they wouldn’t understand. Feelings like mine just aren’t a part
of their world. These temporary retreats really help. They restore my faith
in humanity. They clear away feelings of helplessness. They strengthen my

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