
(Mr. Osama El Gamal) #1
When ماضى تام( الحدث الأول ) , ماضى بسٌط ( الحدث الثانى )

 When they had reached the station, the train left.

  • It means that they took it.

 When the doctor had arrived, the patient died. وصل الطبٌب ثم مات المرٌض

When ماضى بسٌط , ماضى بسٌط

 When they reached the station, the train left.

  • It means that they reached when / the moment the train left.

 When the doctor arrived, the patient died. مات المرٌض لحظة وصول الطبٌب

ماضى بسٌط منفى (الحدث الثانى) till, until ماضى تام ( الحدث الأول )

 She didn‘t make any notes till she had read the story.
 He wasn‘t given the prize until he had come first.
( After )مكان ( Having + p.p.) ٌمكن استخدام. 1

Having p.p. , ماضى بسٌط ( الحدث الثانى )^

 After I had finished my work, I went out for a walk.

 Having finished my work, I went out for a walk.
( v. +ing )نضع ( After / Before )فى حالة عدم وجود فاعل بعد. 2

After ريْٚ فخعً ( v. + ing ) , ماضى بسٌط ( الحدث الثانً )^

Before بدون فاعل ( v. + ing ) , ماضى تام ( الحدث الأول )^

 After reading the story, I visited my friend.
 I had read the story before visiting my friend.

  • مع زمن الماضً التام لتعبر عن السبب فً الماضً : because مدختستُ. 3

ماضً بسٌط ( الحدث الثانى ) because ماضً تام ( الحدث الأول )

 Oliver Twist grew up in a workhouse because his mother had died when he was born.

 I couldn‘t buy a ticket because I had forgotten all my money.

( By + ىضاملا ىف ةٌنمز ةرتف( رجلا فرح عم ماتلا ىضاملا مدختسٌُ. 4

By فترة زمنٌة فى الماضى ,^ ماضى تام( الحدث الأول )

 By 1952, the Egyptian people had made revolution.

 By last year, I had passed my preparatory certificate.

ىنمز ) قراف ( دعُب امهنٌب سٌل نٌلعفلا ناك اذإ After / As soon as / when / before دعب طٌسبلا ىضاملا نمز مادختسا نكمٌُ. 4
... immediately / ... at onceو وجد فى الجملة

After, As soon as بسٌطماضى^ ,^ بسٌطماضى^

 The teacher asked a question and I raised my hand at once. (When)
 When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand.

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