It’s not exam time, we hear you
say... But there’s a good reason
we want you to consider
studying early this year
Your chair wants you to work well, so this is what it would say!
- Are you sitting all the way back in my seat?
- Sitting all the way back in my seat, are your feet on the
floor? If not, try a footrest. - Are my armrests stopping you from getting close enough to
your work? If so, take them off. - Is my backrest giving you nice support in your lower back
as you type or write? If not, roll up a towel in the small of
your back. - Do you really weigh that much or is someone on your lap?
(Just kidding!) - You keep sitting on the edge of my seat! Sit back, and
remember to try a footrest. - It’s been an hour, so do the next section of reading while
standing up, or go get a healthy snack; then let’s get
going again. - I’m supporting you as best I can; have you tried to help
anyone today?
Much research has been conducted into study methods, but
these points come up the most:
1 Space the work out – don’t cram! You’ll remember
work better if you do a bit every day rather than try
and do it last minute. That means start now for
end-of-year exams.
2 Get enough sleep. You may be tempted to stay up late
to get in some extra study time, but sleep is vital. If
you’re tired, you won’t remember much.
3 Eat right and exercise. Healthy body, healthy mind.
4 Take breaks. You need to get up every so often to
stretch your legs, have a snack, go outside for some
fresh air or say hi to your friends.
5 Write things out by hand. Either get your hands on study
guides with quizzes attached, fill in old test papers, or
use good old-fashioned pen and paper to create
summaries. There’s something about physically writing
something that makes it stick better.