Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Large-tailed Nightjar
Binomial Name: Caprimulgus macrurus
As soon as evening falls in the Sundarbans, the bird's call starts and goes on till dawn.There is no way to know that the bird is sitting at your feet during the day, even if you stroll
through the deciduous forest. The bird looks like a dried leaf or a dried dead stalk. Thisbird is called the Large-tailed Nightjar. Bangladesh's common resident bird. They roam in
moist, deciduous, bamboo, mangrove, and tropical and subtropical forests. The nocturnalbird also eats nocturnal insects. During the breeding season from March to May, eggs are
laid in the nests of dried leaves on the ground in the forest.
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Photo © Foridi Numan

(^104) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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