Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Spotted Dove
Binomial Name: Streptopelia chinensis
The Spotted Dove is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. It can be seen in the villagesand towns of all the country's divisions. They can also be seen roaming safely in the
Sundarban. They usually roam in moist deciduous forests, mangrove forests, gardens, andarable lands in pairs or small groups. They roam the grasslands, farms, cultivated lands,
village paths, and forests for food. Seeds and grains are the main food. April-July breedingseason.  At this time, they lay their eggs by making nests in thorny bushes, bamboo bushes,
dates, and other small trees.
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wePiY K‡i| Z...Yf~wg, Lvgvi, Kwl©Z Rwg, MÖv‡gi †g‡Vvc
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†LRyi I Ab ̈vb ̈ †QvU Mv‡Q evmv evwb‡q Giv wWg cv‡o|

(^106) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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