Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Oriental Turtle Dove
Binomial Name: Streptopelia orientalis
Oriental Turtle Dove is an uncommon resident bird of Bangladesh. It roams in the openforests, mangrove forests, arable lands, and gardens of Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet, and
Khulna divisions. Usually in pairs or small groups. They feed on open ends of forests, arablelands, fallow lands, or footpaths. Grass seeds, shrubs, weeds, and grains are among the
food items. Breeding season, May–July. At this time, the saplings lay their eggs by makingnests with sticks in trees, bamboo forests, or bushes. The eggs hatch in 16-17 days.

Dqx ivRNyNy Dqx ivRNyNy evsjv‡‡kiyj©f AvevwmK cvwL| XvKv, PÆMÖvg, wm‡jU I Lyjbv wefv‡Mi †Lvjv
eb, evveb, Avevw Rwg I evMv‡b wePiY K‡i| mvaviYZ
†Rvovq ev †QvU ‡j _v‡K| Giv e‡bi †Lvjv cÖv‡šÍ, Avevw Rwg,
cwZZ Rwg wKsev †g‡Vvc‡_ †nu‡U Lvevi Ly‡U Lvq| Lvev‡ii
ZvwjKvq NvmexR, ̧j¥, AvMvQv, km ̈vbv Ab ̈Zg| †g-RyjvB cÖRbbKvj| Gmgq Pviv Mv‡Q, euvke‡b wKsev †Suv‡c KvwV w‡q
evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

Photo courtesy : Godbolemandar/Wikimedia Commons


(^108) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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