Eurasian Collared Dove
Binomial Name: Streptopelia decaocto
bird of Bangladesh. It is found in mangroveEurasian Collared Dove is a common resident
localities of all divisions. It usually roams in pairs,forests, coastal arable lands, forests, gardens, and
small groups, or with other species of doves. Theyeat food on farmland, farms, orchards, and city or
village roads. Cereals and grains are his main
foods. They can flutter their wings and fly very fast.Their breeding season is all year round. They lay
their eggs in small trees, bushes, or even inpeople's homes by laying nests with sticks.
KÉxNyNy evsjv‡`‡ki myjf AvevwmK cvwL|
DcK~jxq Avevw` Rwg, ev`veb, ebcÖvšÍ, evMvb
I †jvKvj‡q †`Lv hvq| mvaviYZ †Rvovq ev
†QvU `‡j wKsev Ab ̈ cÖRvwZi NyNyi `‡j Ny‡i
†eovq| Kwl©Z Rwg, Lvgvi, ev`veb, kni wKsev MÖ v‡gi
†g‡Vvc‡_ †nu‡U Lvevi Lvq| km ̈`vbv I exR Zvi cÖavb
Lvevi| Lye `ªæZ cZ cZ kã K‡i Wvbv SvcwU‡q Do‡Z
cv‡i| mviveQiB G‡`i cÖRbbKvj| †QvU Mv‡Q, †Suvc-
Svo GgbwK gvby‡li emZevwo‡ZI KvwV msMÖ n K‡i evmv
ˆZix K‡i wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 109
Photo © Foridi Numan