Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Common Sandpiper
Binomial Name: Actitis hypoleucos
The Common Sandpiper is a common migratory bird of Bangladesh. Migrants from Northand East Asia appear with the advanced message of winter in all types of water bodies,
mangroves, dunes, estuaries, ponds, canals, paddy fields, and grasslands of this country.The largest flocks are found in the Sundarbans and coastal areas. They mostly roam alone
but can also be seen in small groups. He runs to the water, puts his beak in the mud,stumbles and eats prey. The food list includes small crabs, earthworms, spiders, and small
invertebrates like scorpions. Breeding season, May to June. It nests in dead leaves and
dry grass behind bushes or rocks in Ladakh, Garhwal, and Kashmir.

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Birds of the Sundarban I 121

Photo © Foridi Numan

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