Bar-tailed Godwit
Binomial Name: Limosa lapponica
The Bar-tailed Godwit holds the record for the longest continuous migration of migratorybirds. The bird's long body structure, pointed wings, and smooth body make it look like a
jet plane. Such physical infrastructure helps cover large distances in migration. The Bar-tailed Godwit is a rare migratory bird of Bangladesh. In winter, it can be seen in
Bangladesh's coastal mud and freshwater ponds. It usually roams in large groups. Theyeat by putting their long lips in shallow water or soft soil. The food list includes mud insects
and snails. Rests on one leg at the water's edge during high tide. Their breeding season is
June-July, during which they lay their eggs in natural caves in the northern tundra region.
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Photo © Foridi Numan
(^132) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban