Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Marsh Sandpiper
Binomial Name: Tringa stagnatilis
The Marsh Sandpiper is native to northern Siberia. In winter, they are found in rivers,wetlands, and coasts in all country divisions. The Marsh Sandpiper is a rare migratory bird
of Bangladesh. They usually roam alone or in groups with other aquatic birds. They eat bywalking in shallow water, dipping their lips in soft mud or dipping their whole heads. Their
favourite foods are tiny snails, shrimp, aquatic insects, earthworms, and small fish. Theirbreeding season is from April to August. During this time, they team up with other aquatic
birds to build their nests in the steep mountains of their habitat, spreading vegetation on
the shores of fresh water or a little salty water.

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(^138) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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