Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Great Thick-knee, Great stone-curlew
Binomial Name: Esacus recurvirostris
The Great Thick-knee is a rare resident bird of Bangladesh. However, ornithologists inBangladesh do not have enough information about this bird. They usually roam in pairs or
small flocks along river banks, estuaries, or salt flats. In the Dimer chor of the Sundarban,some of them can be seen almost regularly. They eat during the day or night but are more
active at dawn and dusk. During the breeding season from February to June, they lay their
eggs by laying pebbles on sandy or rocky pastures.

M½v wZZvB, PigyiwM, †XuwKP ̈vMv, eo †gvUvnuvUz
M½v wZZvB evsjv‡‡ki weij AvevwmK cvwL| Z‡e evsjv‡‡k GB cvwLwUi e ̈vcv‡i h‡ó Z ̈
†bB cÿxwei Kv‡Q| G‡i‡K bxi Zxi, mvM‡ii †gvnbvq wKsev jeY Pv‡li Rwg‡Z mvaviYZ
†Rvovq wKsev †QvU Suv‡K wePiY Ki‡Z †Lv hvq| my›ie‡bi wW‡gi P‡i G‡i K‡qKwU‡K cÖvq wbqwZgB †Lv hvq| w`‡b wKsev iv‡Z Giv Lvevi Lvq, Z‡e †fvi‡ejv I †Mva~ wjj‡Mœ †ewk Kg©PÂj
v‡K| Giv †deªæqvwi †‡K Ryb gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j evjyZU ev cv_y‡i P‡i gvwU‡Z bywo wewQ‡q evmv
evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

Photo © Foridi Numan


Birds of the Sundarban I 145

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