Red-wattled Lapwing
Binomial Name: Vanellus indicus
The Red-wattled Lapwing is a common resident bird of Bangladesh. The bird can be seennear all kinds of water bodies throughout the country. They usually travel in pairs or small
groups and forage in the sand, shallow water, mud, or grass. Food includes ants, termites,dung beetles, earthworms, shrimp, etc. They are most active at dawn and dusk. They are
also active at night, especially on full moon nights. Mating occurs during the breedingseason from March to September. During this time, they make nests in plants or on the
roofs of buildings at the water's edge.
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‡ki me ai‡Yi Rjvk‡qi cv‡k †Zv e‡UB,
DcK~jxq GjvKv, Plv Rwg, Z...Yf~wg, Pv evMvb, ivevi evMvb, bMi-gnvbM‡ii g‡a ̈I cvwLwU‡K
†Lv hvq| mvaviYZ †Rvovq ev ÿz
ª ‡j evjyPi, Aí cvwb, Kv
v, Nv‡m †nu ‡U Lvevi Lvq| Lvev‡ii
g‡a ̈ Av‡Q wcucov, DuB‡cvKv, ̧e‡i †cvKv, †Ku‡Pv, wPswo BZ ̈vw| †fvi Ges †Mva~wji mgq Giv me‡P‡q †ewk mwμq _v‡K| iv‡Z we‡kl K‡i c~wY©gv iv‡ZI Giv Kg©PÂj _v‡K| gvP© †_‡K †m‡Þ¤^‡ii cÖRbbKv‡j †Rvov evu‡a| Gmgq cvwbi wKbv‡i Dw™¢‡
i g‡a ̈ ev vjv‡bi Qv‡
evbvq| †QvU gvwUi †Xjv, kvgy‡Ki †Lvj, B‡Ui UzKiv, cyi‡bv vjv‡bi c‡j ̄Ívivi UzK‡iv, ïK‡bv mycvwi, gvwUi nvuwo-Kjwmi fvOv UzKiv BZ ̈vw
Zv‡`i evmv ˆZwii DcKiY|
(^154) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan