Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Yellow-legged Gull
Binomial Name: Larus cachinnans
The Yellow-legged Gull is a common sighting migratory bird of Bangladesh. It is seenwandering in the rivers and streams of the coastal region including the Sundarban only in
winter. It is more comfortable to swim in salt water than in fresh water. That is why it ismore common in areas near the sea. They roam in flocks. Circling behind the moving boats,
they fly and jump into the water to catch fish. They are also seen roaming on the sand.Their main food is fish, but insects, crabs, snail-like animals are not averse. Occasionally
eats eggs or chicks of Tern and other seabirds. Breeding season is from March to May.
Meanwhile, they build their nest in their native land of Central Asia.

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Photo © Kawsar Mostafa
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