Whiskered Tern
Binomial Name: Chlidonias hybridus
The Whiskered Tern Common resident sea-bird of Bangladesh. Apart from Bangladesh,they roam along the Gangetic valley of northern India, including Kashmir, in parts
of Assam, Sri Lanka and Nepal. In winter, they migrateincluding Baluchistan, Peshawar and Sindh provinces. and spread all over India,They can be seen at
any time of the year in the rivers and seashores ofof the day, they fly over waterways. They roam Bangladesh. Mostalone or in groups.
Their primary food is fish - but tiny frogs and aquatic insects
are also not averse. Breeding time is May totime, they make nests on aquatic plants in August. At thisrivers or
reservoirs and lay eggs.
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Birds of the Sundarban I 161
Photo © Foridi Numan