Lesser Crested Tern
Binomial Name: Sterna bengalensis
The Lesser Crested Tern is an uncommon resident bird of Bangladesh. But this sea bird isnot easily seen in Bangladesh now. They roam in groups or isolated flocks
on seashores, harbours, creeks, or salt flats. Sometimes theyare also seen roaming with other terns. They fly over the
surface of the water and suddenly grab food from thewater. Their favourite food is small fish or shrimp in
the sea. During the breeding season from May to
June, they make nests in seagrass and lay eggs.
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evsjv wUwK cvbwPj evsjv‡‡ki
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GB cvwLi wØcx ev ˆeÁvwbK bvg Sterna bengalensis w
‡q‡Qb cvwL weÁvbxiv| cyi‡bv Bs‡iwR starn k‡ãi
A© cvbwPj, †mLvb †‡K ̄ú ̈vwbk sterna G‡m‡Q|
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i wcÖq Lvevi| †g †‡K Ryb gv‡m cÖRbbKv‡j mvM‡ii P‡i Giv evmv
ˆZix K‡i wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 163
Photo © Foridi Numan