Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Great Crested Tern, Swift Tern
Binomial Name: Sterna bergii
The Great Crested Tern is a rare migratory seabird of Bangladesh. Native to Australia fromSouth Africa through the Central Pacific Ocean. It spends the winter in the coastal estuaries
and seas of the Chittagong and Khulna divisions. Prefers to stay away from the seashore.They are used to long flights and often fly in the deep sea. It usually roams alone or in
small isolated groups or with other terns. They fly slightly over the water and dive into thesea to gather food. Their favourite foods are sea fish and shrimp. In April-June, in the
primary habitat, they make nests in natural sand pits or dead coral on islands far from the
seashore and lay eggs.

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(^162) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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