Greater Spotted Eagle
Binomial Name: Aquila clanga
The Palearctic and Indo-Malayan regions are considered this raptor's original habitats. TheGreater Spotted Eagle is a rare migratory bird of Bangladesh. Available in almost all divisions
during the winter. They usually roam singly or in pairs in swamps, river banks, canals, lakes,and mangrove forests. They can fly high above the ground. Sometimes it sits on the low
branches of trees or flies in circles looking for prey.When it finds prey, it catches it. Ferocious in
nature, the searcher kills and eats its prey
with strong kicks. The list of food includesaquatic birds, fish, and frogs. Does not
like rotten or stale food. During thebreeding season from April to June,
nests are made of twigs and leaves near
water in Siberia.
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gv_vq Wvjcvjv I cvZv w`‡q evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
Birds of the Sundarban I 173
Photo © Foridi Numan