Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Black Kite
Binomial Name: Milvus migrans
The Black Kite is a common resident bird of prey in Bangladesh. It is seen in all divisions
throughout the year. However, during the winter, many migratory black kites join the flock
of resident birds. It usually roams in small groups. Lizards, small mammals, insects, and
grasshoppers are their favourite foods. Apart from this, they also eat all kinds of garbage.
For this reason, it is seen around slaughterhouses, waste heaps, fish-markets, and
harbours. March to May is their breeding season. They lay their eggs in
messy nests made of sticks and garbage in the branches of
large trees. 

fzeb wPj
fzeb wPj evsjv‡`‡ki myjf AvevwmK
wkKvix cvwL| mviveQiB me wefv‡MB
†`Lv hvq| Z‡e kxZKv‡j wecyj
msL ̈K cwihvqx fzeb wPj G‡m
AvevwmK cvwLi `‡j †hvM †`q|
evsjv‡`‡ki MÖvg, bMi, kni GgbwK
gnvbMix‡ZI †`Lv hvq| mvaviYZ †QvU
`‡j wePiY K‡i| wUKwUwK, †QvU
̄Íb ̈cvqx cÖvYx, †cvKvgvKo I dwos
Zv‡`i wcÖq Lvevi| G QvovI me ai‡Yi
gqjv AveR©bvI Giv Lvq| GRb ̈ KmvBLvbv,
eR ̈©- ̄‘c, gvQ-evRvi I †cvZvkÖ‡qi Avkcv‡k
†`Lv hvq| gv‡S gv‡S KvK wKsev kKz‡bi
mv‡_ wg‡jwg‡k Dw”Qó I cïi g„Z‡`n Lvq|
gvP© †_‡K †g gvm Zv‡`i cÖRbb‡bi mgq|
eo Mv‡Qi Wv‡j KvwV I AveR©bv w`‡q
A‡MvQv‡jv evmv evwb‡q Giv wWg cv‡o|

(^180) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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