Purple Heron
Binomial Name: Ardea purpurea
The Purple Heron is an uncommon resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh. At least twodecades ago, they were seen in many parts of the country, even in the Dhaka division.
They usually roam alone in marshes, swampland, lakes, rivers, or mangrove forests. Reedforests are very dear to them. They hide in secluded bushes and wait for their prey.
Generally, they avoid noise and even go out of sight of other species of birds when theyneed to rest. The Purple Heron's favourite food is fish; frogs, aquatic insects, and spiders
are also in their diet. The breeding period is from June to October. At this time, nests are
made by collecting sticks, grass, creepers, and leaves in the reed forest or on aquatic trees.
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(^194) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan