Cattle Egret
Binomial Name: Bubulcus ibis
The Cattle Egret is a common resident grassland bird of Bangladesh. They are seeneverywhere in the country. They are more common in cattle pastures. They usually hunt in
small groups, following cattle or running in damp grasslands. Their food list includes insects,fish, and frogs. They form colonies and build nests during the breeding season from June
to August. They lay eggs in bamboo forests or big trees by making a small, loft-like nestwith branches.
†Mv eMv, †Mv eK
†Mv eMv evsjv‡‡ki myjf AvevwmK PviYf~wgi cvwL| †
‡ki me©ÎB G‡i‡K bR‡i c‡o| Mevw
cïi PviYf~wg‡Z G‡i †ewk †
Lv hvq| mvaviYZ †QvU ‡j Mevw
cïi wcQ‡b †nu‡U Aev
m ̈vuZ‡mu‡Z Z...Yf~wg‡Z †`uŠ‡o Giv wkKvi a‡i| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q †cvKvgvKo, gvQ I e ̈vO|
Ryb †‡K AvM÷ gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j Giv j †e‡a K‡jvwb K‡i evmv ev‡a| evuke‡b wKsev eo Mv‡Q Wvjcvjv w
‡q †QvU gvPvi g‡Zv evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
(^196) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Emdadul Islam Bitu