Great Egret
Binomial Name: Casmerodius albus
Extensive marsh, swampland, rivers, lakes, marshes, paddies, estuaries,The Great Egret is the most common resident aquatic bird of Bangladesh.
or mangrove forests of all country divisions roam alone or in mixed flocksof other waterfowl. The Great Egret walks or waits quietly in shallow water,
plunging its long beak into the prey to catch and eat it. Food includes fish,frogs, water bugs, or snails. Their breeding season is from November to
May. During this time, they join the colony of other egrets and cormorants,
make nests in tree branches, and lay eggs.
eo eMv, eo eK, RvVzqv eK
eo eMv evsjv‡`‡ki myjf AvevwmK RjPi cvwL| †`‡ki me
wefv‡Mi nvIi, wej, b`x, n«`, Rjv, avb‡LZ, †gvnbv wKsev
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K‡i| eo eMv AMfxi cvwb‡Z †nu‡U wKsev PzcPvc `vuwo‡q †_‡K
A‡c¶v K‡i, my‡hvM g‡Zv j¤^v †Vvu‡U we× K‡i wkKvi a‡i †L‡q
†d‡j| Lvev‡ii ZvwjKvq Av‡Q gvQ, e ̈vO, RjR †cvKv ev kvgyK
RvZxq cÖvwY| G‡`i cÖRbbKvj b‡f¤^i †_‡K †g gvm| Gmgq Giv Ab ̈
eK ev cvb‡KŠwo‡`i K‡jvbx‡Z †hvM †`q Ges Mv‡Qi Wv‡j evmv
evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|
(^198) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan