Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1
Grey-headed Canary
Binomial Name: Culicicapa ceylonensis
The Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher is a smallinsectivorous bird. As soon as winter begins with
the desire to eat insects, they come to ourcountry from the countries of East and Southeast
Asia with their small wings. Wanders around insearch of insects in small bushes. The Grey-
headed Canary Flycatcher is a commonmigratory bird in Bangladesh. In winter, the bird
usually roams alone in the forests of Chittagong,
Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi, and Sylhet divisions.They fly from the branches of trees and hunt
insects, and return to their previous place. Flyinginsects in the forest are their favorite food.

Svo-dzUwK, †g‡Ugv_v K ̈vbvwi PzUwK
Svo-dzUwK †QvU AvKv‡ii GKwU †cvKv‡L‡Kv cvwL|
†cvKv LvIqvi †jv‡f kxZKvj ïiæ nIqvi mv‡_
mv‡_B †QvU Wvbvq fi K‡i c~e© I `w¶Yc~e© Gwkqvi
†`k ̧‡jv †_‡K G‡m nvwRi nq Avgv‡`i †`‡k| †QvU
†QvU †SvcSv‡o †cvKvi mÜv‡b Ny‡i †eovq| Svo-
dzUwK evsjv‡`‡ki myjf cwihvqx cvwL| kxZKv‡j
cvwLwU PÆMÖvg, XvKv, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx I wm‡jU
wefv‡Mi g ̈vb‡MÖvf eb, gy³ ebf~wg, cÖk ̄Í cÎeûj
wPimeyR eb, evukeb wKsev MÖvgxY KzÄe‡b mvaviYZ
GKv wePiY K‡i| Mv‡Qi Wvj †_‡K D‡o wM‡q cZ½
wkKvi K‡i Avevi Av‡Mi hvqMvq wd‡i Av‡m| e‡bi
wfZ‡ii DošÍ †cvKvgvKo Zvi wcÖq Lvevi| GwcÖj
†_‡K Ryb gv‡mi cÖRbbKv‡j wbR Avev‡mi Mv‡Q
wKsev cv_‡ii Dci gvKomvi Rv‡j k ̈vIjv I
common jvB‡Kb Rwo‡q evmv evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

(^240) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban
Photo © Foridi Numan

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