Brown-breasted Flycatcher, Layard's flycatcher
Binomial Name: Muscicapa muttui
The Brown-breasted Flycatcher is a rare passage migrant bird of Bangladesh. It has globaldistribution in South, East, and Southeast Asian countries. Found in evergreen forests and
mangrove forests of the Chittagong, Khulna, and Sylhet divisions of Bangladesh. They roamalone or in isolated groups of other species of flycatchers in dense thickets on the banks
of rivers adjacent to forests. They feed on insects, flies, or small invertebrates from theupper leaves of the trees. The nesting season is May June, and they build their nests under
bushes and vines on the river banks. Algae, fibers, etc., are used to make nests.
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w¶Y-c~e© Gwkqvi
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‡ki PÆMÖvg, Lyjbv I wm‡jU
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passage migrant
Photo © Foridi Numan