Tickell’s Thrush
Binomial Name: Turdus unicolor
Tickell's Thrush is a rare migratory terrestrial bird of Bangladesh. It migrates to our countryin winter. At this time, they are found in all the forests of the Barisal, Khulna, Dhaka, and
Sylhet divisions. It sings beautiful songs at dawn or dusk while sitting on the high branchesof trees. The shy bird wanders alone in winter. They search for food by jumping on the
ground, flying slightly, turning over leaves, or digging in soft soil. The food list includesinsects and their larvae, earthworms, and juicy fruits. They mate during the breeding season
from April to August. At this time, they make a nest with moss, roots, and dry grass on the
branches of bushes or trees in the forest and lay eggs.
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evmv evbvq| Photo © Foridi Numan
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