Birds of the Sundarban

(Foridi Numan) #1

Orange-headed Thrush
Binomial Name: Zoothera citrina
The bird roams more or less everywhere in Bangladesh, but is more common in thesouthern part of the country. The Orange-headed Thrush is a rare resident bird of
Bangladesh. They usually roam alone, sometimes in pairs, in shady moist understory,bamboo forests, small bushes or near localities. They search for food by walking or jumping
on the ground. Eats earthworms, insects and ripe fruits. Their nesting time is from April toJune. This time they make a nest by mixing mud, roots and leaves on the branches of trees
and lay eggs.

Kgjv vgv, Kgjv †v‡qj, Kgjdzwj, KgjveD
AmvaviY my›i GB cvwLwU gvby‡li emZ-evwoi Lye KvQvKvwQB _v‡K, Z‡e mn‡R †Lv hvq bv|
̄^fv‡e Giv fxlY jvRyK wKsev fxZz, PvjPjb A‡bKUv †v‡q‡ji g‡Zv| cÖvq meLv‡bB cvwLwUi wePiY Av‡Q, Z‡e †‡ki w¶Yv‡j †ewk †Lv hvq| Kgjv vgv evsjv‡‡ki yj©f AvevwmK cvwL| Giv Qvqvgq m ̈vuZ‡m‡Z e„¶Zj, evukeb, ÿzª †Svc wKsev †jvKvj‡qi KvQvKvwQ
mvaviYZ GKv, KL‡bv †Rvovq wePiY K‡i| gvwU‡Z †nu‡U ev
jvwd‡q Giv Lvevi †Lvu‡R| †Ku‡Pv, †cvKvgvKo Ges cvKv
dj Lvq| G‡i evmv ˆZixi mgq GwcÖj †_‡K Ryb gvm| †Sv‡ci g‡a ̈ Mv‡Qi Wv‡j Kvvi m‡½ k ̈vIjv, g~j I cvZv wgwk‡q evmv
evwb‡q wWg cv‡o|

Photo © Foridi Numan


(^252) IBirds^ of^ the^ Sundarban

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